Carter is potty trained! I didn't want to do it until after the summer, but the kid wanted to. He would insist on going potty every morning before his bath so a couple of Saturdays ago we went to the store and let him pick out his very own underwear. He of course chose Lightning McQueen. I put them on him and away we went. He loves going potty on the big boy potty. What's great is that we didn't have to bribe him with stickers, treats, or toys. He's extremely satisfied with getting to use toilet paper and then flushing the toilet and putting down the lid (softly)! He even goes #2 on the potty which was a big ordeal for Collin to initially do. The difference now between Carter and Collin going potty is that Collin only goes about 3-4 times a day and Carter goes at least 20-30 times. One day I think he went almost 50 times and I'm not exaggerating! It keeps me very busy, but now I don't have to change his diapers anymore or have him soak through his clothes, yes!

This pictures says so much. He's on our back patio eating a messy, homemade popsicle in his new big boy underwear, wearing a "I'm a Child of God" crown he made in nursery (he wore it everywhere for days in a row before it finally ripped). What a goofball!