Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Where's the Hair?

Logan has been wanting to buzz the boys' hair for awhile now, especially with it being summer time. I've been reluctant because I think their hair looks better spiked. Logan said he was going to do it after we took family pictures (which we had taken a couple of weeks ago). I had a meeting before church on Sunday and when the boys walked in, I was quite surprised to see the new look! They were very excited to show me.

I kind of think they look like cancer patients.


Derrick said...

They look AWESOME.

Amanda said...

Wow that is short! It doesn't look bad just very different from the norm.

Alyosha said...

They look adorable! We like to Buzz Zerah's hair every few months too.

Lindsey said...

They don't even look like the same kids! They look cute, though!

Cameron and Jenny Webb said...

Hi Logan and Heather - We just found your blog (well I guess Logan gave the address to Cameron - we didn't actually just 'find' it!). Can't believe how big your boys are! Wow!..and so cute. Looks like you guys are doing great! :) Cameron and Jenny

Cami said...

Oh man...not sure about that, but hey it will grow back. Love the pic of funny!!


Hi this is Christine, Cameron Webb's sister. Cameron was just over at my house and told me that Lindsey had a here I am on your blog looking for Lindsay's. You guys have such a cute little family of boys...just like us! Aren't they so fun?! Anyway, just thought I'd say hi.