Monday, August 11, 2008

Check-up Time

Hunter had his 4 month check-up and Collin had his 4 year old check-up today. Hunter received 3 shots today and Collin will be getting 3 shots on Wednesday. However, Collin persistently informs me he will not be getting any shots. Here are the new stats:

Weight-18 lbs 8 oz (95%)
Head Circumference-44.5 cm (94%)
I think the medical assistant measured his length wrong because according to the numbers he shrunk and he has definitely grown taller, not shorter!
Weight-45 lbs (96%)
Height-3' 8" in (97%)


Amanda said...

Love the new layout! I fear the days that I have to go get my kids shots. T has already told me that's my job & he won't do it. Ever since he took Chupie to the vet & had a thermometer stuck up her butt he said the look she gave him was unbearable & he won't take her again. ~men really are the weaker sex!

Amanda said...

Wow! Not sure why my name got all screwed up like that.

hope2adoptbaby said...

Cute new pictures!