Logan had to go to his work headquarters in Switzerland for a week in December. At the end of the week was the super secret, but guaranteed to be fun, Christmas party. I was fortunate enough (thanks to my mom's flying benefits and extremely gracious family members willing to watch my kiddos) to join Logan for the party and a few extra days of sight-seeing. I got to ride business class, without kids, which in and of itself was a fabulous experience. I probably could have flown there and right back and been content it was so nice!
The first day I was there (Thursday), Logan's San Francisco office and I went to Lucern to wander around and go out to dinner. It was a really cute, quaint town. The picture with the lion in it was carved by the French for the Swiss after the Swiss helped the French in a war (or so I think that's how the story goes).

Friday was the highly anticipated Christmas party. The only information we were given about the party was to wear apres ski apparel. It started at the office with hors d'oeuvres. Shortly thereafter buses escorted us to a large warehouse where there was more food and some entertainment. The next stop was around the corner and there the party began. It was decorated in a Swiss Alps ski theme with cabins where you could order traditional Swiss food (fondue, mac and cheese with applesauce, etc). There were games, lots of food and drinks, and a live band. The company went all out and it was pretty fun to say the least.

The next day we slept in (no kids remember) and then hung out in Zug. This is where Logan spent January and February so he was my tour guide for the day. We also raided the luxemburgli (amazing Swiss chocolate) store Sprungli.

On Sunday we went to Bern. It was COLD, but we persevered and went looking around. There were Christmas markets set up, lots of shops to see (they have a bunch of underground stores), tasty food (crepes, waffles, sausage, cheese pies), and we climbed the Munster (old church) bell tower.

The last stop was Zurich. We decided to take a trolley tour of the city so we could see the main sights. We also did more eating, window shopping, walked the famous Bahnhofstrasse, and much more.

Logan and I had a great time. It was fun to be together and do whatever WE wanted to do. Thanks again to those who watched our boys. We really, really appreciated it!