Fisherman's Wharf
Isn't that romantic? Notice the bridge in the back?
Waiting for the steam train.
Pretending to be pirates.
My boys with Logan's parents.
Two people tagged me a long time ago and the third just recently, but it is extremely difficult to type when I always have a baby in my arms. This goes to explain that I would like to leave more comments when I check other people's blogs, but I usually check them when I'm holding Hunter since I only need one hand to click the mouse. Enough babbling, the following are my responses to the tags:
Fours Post
Four jobs I've had in my life: (I've only had four)
1-Emergency Room Nurse
2-Jewelry Store Manager
3-Dental Assistant
4-Pleasant Grove Rec Center Supervisor
Four Movies I would (or have) watched over and over:
1-Behind Enemy Lines
2-How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days
3-Gone in 60 Seconds
4-The Bourne Series
Four places I've lived: (most recently)
1-Walnut Creek, CA
2-New York, NY
3-Molalla, OR
4-Houston, TX
Four people who email me regulary:
1-Logan (he's the only regular one)
Four of my favorite foods:
2-Any pasta with alfredo sauce
4-Cafe Rio Pork Salad
Four places I'd rather be:
1-New York (on vacation without kids)
2-The spa (without kids)
3-On a sunny beach (without kids)
4-Home (Utah, the kids can come)
Four things I'm looking forward to in 2008:
1-Going to Pleasant Grove's Strawberry Days (I know, I'm a dork)
2-Going to Disneyland with the family
3-Watching the kids grow
4-The possibility of going to NY in the Fall
Friends I want to tag-
1-Aimee C.
2-Lynley J.
3- Cami F.
4-Amanda H.
Love Post
What is your husbands name? Logan
How long have you been together? Dated just over a year and have been married 6.5 years
Who eats more? It's a toss up, I can eat a lot, especially when I'm pregnant or nursing
Who said I love you first? Logan
Who is taller? Logan
Who has more speeding tickets? Logan, they'll go off his record in June though (yeah)
Who is smarter? Logan is more street smart, I'm more book smart (that's why I had to study so much)
Who is more sensitive? Neither of us
Who does the laundry? Me, I'm very particular about the why I do laundry so I don't like others doing it
Who does the dishes? Me
Who sleeps on the right? I do; it's the farthest side from the door
Who pays the bills? Me
Who mows the lawn? We've never had a lawn, hopefully I won't have to do it when we do have one
Who cooks dinner? Me (not my favorite thing to do right now)
Who drives when you are together? Logan, he doesn't think I drive right
Who is more stubborn? It's a toss up, we're both pretty stubborn
Who kissed whom first? Logan kissed me
Who asked who out first? Logan
Who proposed? Logan (after his Dad told him he might lose me if he didn't)
Who has more siblings? We have the same, he has three sisters and I have two sisters and one half-sister
Now I tag... Jenny P., Lindsay R., Lindsey B., and Shelby R.
7 Facts
Share seven facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird, whatever you are brave enough to share. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here's my 7:
1-I don't like making extra "trips" (from the car, upstairs, etc). I will carry way more than I can handle so I don't have to go back and do it again.
2-I have darkness phobia. Something inside of me switches when it gets dark and I become a huge scaredy cat! I "hear" weird noises and freak myself out.
3-I love, love, love peanut butter! I have an english muffin with peanut butter on it just about every morning and a pb&j sandwich just about every day for lunch. I also love any treat that has peanut butter in it. Yum!
4-I don't like pushing my kids (or any kid) on the swings. Does this make me a bad mother? It's hot, boring, and they never want to stop!
5-I have a little bit of self-diagnosed OCD. I have to do things like laundry and cleaning on assigned days or I would have to do it every time I see an article of clothing in the dirty clothes basket or a crumb on the floor. Everything has a certain place where it is suppose to be, even stuff in the fridge. I can tell if somebody has been in my house or if something has been moved.
6-I love eating at Cafe Rio, Zupas, Junkies, and Wingers, all of which are not located anywhere close to me.
7-I'm a huge bargain shopper! It's more like a hobby. I love a good deal. I only like to buy things on sale and I love websites like craigslist. I also love garage sales; I've found some great stuff.
Now I tag: Jenny P., Lindsay R., Lynley J., Aimee C., Julie H., Maline L,. and Erin S.