Logan and I have been wanting to get the boys a playhouse for awhile. Every time one would pop up on craigslist we would call on it, but it would already be taken. We were finally able to snatch one and Collin and Carter are very excited. It was kind of a gong show getting it (Logan took all the car seats out of the van and drove 35 minutes to get it just to find out two of the pieces were too big to fit inside. He later had to borrow a friend's truck to go get them.), but Logan and the boys put it together and they spent a couple of hours enjoying it. Hopefully now they will want to spend more time out there (we don't have a yard, just a small back patio) instead of me having to haul everyone to the park twice a day.

We told them it was a knight's castle.

Goofing around!

Dad and his boys
1 comment:
Cool "knights Castle". That thing really is huge!!
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