Thursday, February 26, 2009

One of Those Days

It all started this morning when I took the van into the shop to get a problem fixed. I was supposed to drop it off at 10 a.m. and they were going to shuttle the boys and me back to the house right away. Well, after one hour of waiting they decided to have me drive the van back home with one of their servicemen who was going to then drive it back to the shop. One hour! That is sooooo long with three active little guys. I exhausted all measures trying to keep them entertained. We played I Spy, we counted, I pulled stickers out my purse, I pulled tic-tacs out of my purse, we looked at pictures in magazines, and we walked to a nearby bakery. I think the employees finally felt sorry for me. I was not very happy! As soon as we got home I had to squeeze three car seats in the back of our little commuter car so I could get to the gym before childwatch closed. Unfortunately I only got to workout for 30 minutes, but I still went; I had a lot of steam to burn.

The rest of the day consisted of short naps, the car place calling to tell me they could not find the problem with the van and saying they needed to keep it overnight, and kids needing to get outside and run around. So I packed the sardines in and away we went. After too much sand throwing, I piled the kids back into the car and we went to Wendy's for dinner. I'm pretty sure the meal I had originally planned on making would have taken too long to prepare before somebody, or everybody, would have been in tears over one thing or another before it was done. But now the boys are in bed, Logan's on his way home from work, and I'm in my jammies ready to suggle up on the couch, watch a little TV, and bite into a delicious Cadbury Egg that's been calling my name for some time now. It's just been one of those days!
The sardines, notice Hunter is crying. Carter bit his finger.

They are way too close to eachother!

Yummy, I love Easter candy!


Amanda said...

LOL! Oh how mean of Carter to bite Huntie's finger! I didn't know he was a stink bug like that. Better luck tomorrow~

Lindsey said...

Sounds like a day from you know where! Just FYI...I can't look at one of those eggs w/out thinking of you!