Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Random Happenings

Last Thursday Collin's preschool had an open house. All of us were able to go visit his classroom and look at all of his recent artwork. He was excited to show us everything he had been working on and was also excited to see all of his school buddies.

He made a dinosaur out of clay and made up a story to go with it.

This is one of his favorite classmates.

Hanging out in the reading corner.

Collin also had the privilege of taking the class bear home for the weekend. He was very happy Bear got to tag along with him to the park and that Bear got to sleep in his pillow tent with him at night.

Bear came with a binder that instructed Collin to write about their adventures together and then to attach pictures of them hanging out.

Carter wanted in on the action too.

I have previously mentioned that the gym I go to has a Childwatch for the boys. On Saturday mornings Collin has basketball on the sports court and Carter chooses to go to Childwatch instead of watching Collin play. He loves it in there!

On this particular morning, he told me he was making a house with a big roof. He was quite proud of himself!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Cute pictures...what busy boys you have!